Tuesday, April 27, 2010


终于, 这最后的学期已完毕了. 可是, 今天的我心情却很沉重. 昨天, 考完试后每
个人都很欢愉. 虽然脸上挂着笑容, 可我心中却免不了忧虑, '最后一张试卷被定在
几时呢? 会否在实习期中呢? 实习因此被延迟? 那么会影响到香港行程呢?' 这一堆
问题不禁在脑海中浮现. 朋有都叫叫我别担忧, 考试时期可跟校方谈. 可是, 他们是
否知道校方的做风?学生的理由真的可被谅解? 他们有愿意去配合吗? 说到底他们较
着重政策的考量啊!一句'要文凭还是延迟毕业?' 就逼得我无话可说. 在那期间在哪
睡呢? 而且, 也有很多心事要烦, '爸爸妈妈的健康, 姐姐的忧虑, 侄儿的健康, 姑
姑往后的生活负担' 这一切都令我很头疼. 我真的无能为力阿!有时真的想躲避, 不
去想它!可是, 躲避并解决不了问题, 而问题却在不知不觉中累积. 在朋友眼中我到底是个怎样的人呢? 我知道有些人一定对我有些不满, 可是却没说出口.有时当我意识些许不寻常,却只有按兵不动, 当着不知道, 可是心中却感到非常不踏实! 跟一些朋友的关系也与从前大不相同了(感觉). 可能, 在别人的眼里一切依常, 可是, 我想只有当事人明白披此间的一些细微交流, 眼神, 想法 都不一样了吧! 虽然, 大家都没有将它点破, 尴尬却不自不决中在交流中产生.我承认知己是个敏感的人. 一些事情虽然在别人眼中是渺小的, 可是我却无法释怀, 想欺骗自己也欺骗不了. 或许是我太敏感吧!可能跟本是我的问题, 我想我该好好想想到底发生了什么事情或是检讨自己. 可是,这一切一切都
让我感到很累! 是身心疲惫阿! 有谁真的了解我呢?

Friday, January 15, 2010

haha! happy birthday to hedy lim n kek chong ah! wish ur dreams come true la! long time adi dont write on blog, its such a trouble 4 me 2 think wat next to be written le! ah ha! my dream mare -thesis had pass become history, so wish myself a good luck in this sem la.

Monday, September 7, 2009

九月的天空 7-9-2009 火热热的夏天

我此刻的心情很闷,对于现在的生活以有点厌倦。老天,请赐我力量让我振奋起来吧!很久没写部落格了,想不到现在却为诉苦而写。haiz! 过去的这几天真是不堪会首啊!无端端的在报告里不只要做自己的部分,还要吭了H小姐的那部分。害得我在整个周末里都因报告而忙,还连续两三天从早到晚都对着电脑,赶报告到半夜4点多。说起这H小姐,我真的是很火。我想在整个药剂系里, 也只有她有这本事把我气成这样吧!老天, 该是十多页的报告,她竟又本事只做4页而且还是加了病人的资料, 算起来也只做了一页半吧!她还敢send给我还叫我做其它的部分(她的一部分),報欠或谢谢也没说一句。而且,当我查报告时竟发现她的知料根本不可以用嘛!简直是垃圾。老天,她真的懒到!好心,难道她不知到我很忙吗。难倒我是她工人吗?真的很火大也!这么随便, 就别读药剂系啊,难道不知道要尽力,用心的做事情吗?这可不只是她的报告也是我们的啊!负些责任好吗!到我call她好心的告诉她那些部分该做错了, 她竟说给我烂借口,说宿设没line。但,在我半夜赶着报告时,却被室友告诉说发现她在网上玩facebook, 泡仔。我在当下真的气到有生以来第一次想打人啊!还气的胸口很痛呢!她真的脸皮很厚啊,真不敢想象还是个女的呢?女子不是该比男子努力的吗?她还真是个怪胎。幸好还有个另外一个partner 跟我分担, 要不然的话,我可真会被累死。对不起,个位在此听我发了一大对唠叨。可我这是不吐不快啊,不然的话,我会憋是的啊!

Monday, August 3, 2009

超级星光大道第五届-31-7-2009 = 不公平

不知大家有没有留意七月三十一号的第五届超级星光大道, 陈浩伟的淘汰真的让‘老子’-我,超不爽+气愤+想骂人+替浩威觉的不平。我想若有看这节目的朋友们应该也与我同感吧!明明错不在浩伟啊!他早有跟江美琪说定key可否别太高啊!只是她不答应啊!他还可做什么呢?那小胖根本不了解情况, 就说他的不是!真的替浩伟感到委屈啊!他的表情跟本是哑子吃黄莲, 有苦自己知。要他怎么解释呢?难道可以说是江美琪的错吗?我想有些评审都知道吧!该是谁的错。有些东西是大家都可以看到的!浩伟只有默默的忍受一切咯!从杜德伟对浩伟的评价与陶子的解释中可看到浩伟所面对的委屈。如果说该被淘汰的,我想是许咏林吧!杜德伟都说她唱的不好,从成绩来看那16分也代表着其他的评审也认为她唱的不好吧!(虽然, 那也是因为江美琪的错,把重要的部分自己唱,要咏林配音, 就如网友说的以为自己在开演唱会)但, 只有那小胖强留下许咏林。这真的让我不得不懷疑他身为评审的资格与传业。他跟本是凭着子己的喜好而评而不是比赛的表现吧!还说什么许咏林唱得很好!不可否认,许咏林平常唱的好, 但若是唱的不好的话就该被淘汰啊!而不是以她之前的表现来评定, 若不是的话, 对其它的参赛者不公平,也不需这次的比赛吧!以为观众听不出吗?跟本是不传业的评语,浪费观众的时间。我想也应该来个淘汰评审环节吧!小胖一定第一个被淘汰!反正不是想提高收视率吗!

attention:以上论点纯属个人想法, 若有不同意,请别在意!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Boring Day In Home

Today very boring! Dont know why i had slept for so many hours today! Is that i m too tired after this few days continuously go to hospital ? i wonder. However, i have notice that some of my friends have get illness(high fever and throat pain). This make my mind always appear of thinking whether i m going to have such illness very soon? As i think my body have tell something already. As always, before i get any illness, will get some hints. I have awake just now and feel like no appetide to eat. Well, even i try to kept on dont think too much, but really scare that trend of AH1N1 that everybody afraid for. Even i dont have suffer from fever now! Well, do you think, i m thinking too much? I really dont know. But as i said i had go to HUKM this few days, so thats why i have a little bit worry now. Even my father have getting worry about me as he call me, but i just keep on say nothing in front of him, cause i dont want him to worry about me! haiz! Sighing!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Introduce To You My favourite Movie here!

Well, recently i have found out a movie entitle 'Artificial Intelligence' , in which i had watch it before when i was in my form five of secondary school. It remind me my first time feeling of wanna cry after watch movie as so touching.May be you might think it was a bit long time ago. But i would like to tell you that you would definitely get lesson from that movie and it was really a nice and full with love and determination's movies. The eye of the main actor just was amazing, just like can tell you something that hide within his mind!WONDERFUL is what i can tell you. For those, who wanna watch a real nice and good movie, i strongly recomment for it. Following is the summary of the story, you can have a look on it to determine whether u you are really interested with it, before search for it! Or you can directly get from me too.

Brief Summary on Artificial Intelligence

In the not-so-far future the polar ice caps have melted and the resulting raise of the ocean waters has drowned all the coastal cities of the world. Withdrawn to the interior of the continents, the human race keeps advancing, reaching to the point of creating realistic robots (called mechas) to serve him. One of the mecha-producing companies builds David, an artificial kid which is the first to have real feelings, especially a never-ending love for his "mother", Monica. Monica is the woman who adopted him as a substitute for her real son, who remains in cryo-stasis, stricken by an incurable disease. David is living happily with Monica and her husband, but when their real son returns home after a cure is discovered, his life changes dramatically. Written by Chris Makrozahopoulos {makzax@hotmail.com

In the futuristic tale, a highly advanced robotic boy named David is 11 years old. He weighs 60 pounds. He is 4 feet, 6 inches tall. He has brown hair. His love is real. But he is not. He is a marvel of cybernetic progress who really only wants to be a real boy, loved by his mother and his father in that happy place called home. But David journeys out into the forests to find a way to become a real boy. Written by Anthony Pereyra {hypersonic91@yahoo.com}

In this futuristic fairy tale, "David", a highly-advanced robotic boy, hopes to become a real boy so that he can win back the affection of the human mother who abandoned him. Like Pinocchio, he goes on a long journey hoping to find his "Blue Fairy," who can make his dreams come true. Written by jgp3553@excite.com

In the future, artificial intelligence has involved in such a way that a family can now accept a near to life like child. This is exactly what the Swinton family does, but when things get worse for the relationship between the family and this new child, they send it out to survive on its own. With only the name David and a passion to become a real boy, the child becomes friends with Gigolo Joe and sets off to make it become a reality. Written by FilmFanUk

Happy Hour After Finish My Thesis Work Today!

Today, i m tired but yet happy. At about 12 pm, i had notice that there was less patient available to be my participant. Besides, a few of them have refuse to be my participant as tired and uncomfortable. So, i have made a sudden decision and book a room in Red box for 3 person at 3.30pm. It was really nice as i have sing a lot of song! Include some korean songs which i seldom sing before. Besides, i have try lot of other new chinese and english song like 最后的电影 and Hero. We were originally just would like to sing until 6.30pm, but we have finally extend the time till 9pm as we seldom have such chance to get singing in Red box for this semester. However, as i have sing about 5 hours continuously, so u can imagine that my throat was like going to explode as got some songs need high pitching voice. So, in the final 2 hours i was only sing some song and out more attention on the food served on the table. There was some very funny things occur, but i would not tell u all right here. Only those who have join me today know what had happen la !haha! It was along time ago that i didnt go to sing and get enjoy as such. But i have notice that i already eat too much, so must diet for few days to get rid of the extra fat and calories that i had gain today!haha!